Friday, September 7, 2012

Well fall is on its way and I am raring to go with the fall veggies.  I may actually get some carrots from my planting in late July.  Soon I will plant garlic, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, red kale, more mustard and all sorts of other stuff.  But first I have to finish off the green beans, okra and zucchini.  I have a killer recipe for vegetable gumbo (vegan and non-vegan).  Finally, i had someone add real steps to my garden shed.  Now I am in less danger of breaking a leg when I go in and out of the shed.  Miss Maddie, my terrier-corgi-fox-rabbit-woodland creature-dog, can manage the steps too.  I have learned a lot about when to plant stuff this year.  They were mainly negative lessons, but I am learning. I am adding more garden beds and berries.  Next year I hope to add a couple of fruit trees too.

I cannot express how much joy I feel when I look at my garden.  Thanks to my generous parents and family I am living my dream of my own piece of Eden.I am one of the luckiest people in the world.  Now if I could just get those nasty insects to leave my melons alone...

1 comment:

  1. Funny you mention fall planting. I just reminded hubby that we are going to need to plant the garlic soon. :)
    Three varieties this year.
    I have red russian kale seeds to share if you want any. Very easy to grow.
    Just email me.

