Wow! It has been many months since I have posted. But spring is finally here and I can take a break from gardening to write about gardening! This year the tulips did very well. I planted more last fall and boy are they beautiful and they all seemed to come up even though there are a lot of squirrels in the hood. I think buying them from a very good source helps. I bought from Brent and Becky's Bulbs here in Virginia. I am always a bit skeptical of bulbs bought from big box stores that are in boxes and bags. You just do not know how long they have been stored and in what conditions. Speaking of bulbs, my dad and I planted garlic last September using organic bulbs from the farmers market and they are growing like crazy! In a previous attempt we used bulbs from grocery store, not organic and the did not grow well.
We have had a cool spring so far but my tomato plants ordered from Park Seeds came last week! Too early to plant tomatoes. So I will have to stick them in cold frame for a while. Annoying. But almost all garden centers already have tomatoes and peppers and other warm weather veggies for sale. Shame on them. People will plant them and they will probably live but they won't produce very well.
This year I am going to try using liquid mycorrhizal fungi to assist plants roots in absorbing nutrients from the soil and added fertilizers. The product is called Alpha Thrive and I have high hopes for the benefits of mycorrhizal fungus.
It helps legumes so why not other plants? I have not used it yet because the soil temperature has to be above 45F, and I am not sure it has warmed up that much yet. Will keep you posted.
How did I not know you have a blog about Gardening and writing about gardening! I love the new picture - it is soooo you! My seeds (tomato, squash, zucchini, peppers) are peeking out of the peat pots. The zucchini is actually reminding me of Little Shop of Horrors and *I am ready* for them to go into larger pots outside until I have the raised beds set up. I'll be keeping an eye out for more posts! Yay, you!